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GAIS is an user-friendly and flexible job satisfaction platform. Your company and its employees will benefit from this intuitive platform, enabling you to understand and improve job satisfaction at all levels. A job satisfaction survey gives you a rapid overview of job satisfaction levels, and how to work with them. GAIS is based on more than 8 years of research and a valid, tested model that identifies the key factors for improved job satisfaction

Itch Marketing

Hos Itch Marketing er vi eksperter i inbound marketing, inbound sales og i særdeleshed HubSpot, som vi er Platinum Partners hos. Til dagligt hjælper vi et bredt udsnit af forskellige typer virksomheder - lige fra enkeltmandsfirmaer til store organisationer med kontorer i flere lande - med at nedbryde vægge og i stedet skabe synergi mellem Salg og Marketing ved at implementere inbound marketing-tankegangen i deres arbejde. Ingen virksomheder er ens, og derfor arbejder vi aldrig med samlebåndsløsninger. Hele fundamentet for det gode samarbejde bygger i stedet på forståelse: Forståelse af din virksomhed, dine udfordringer, dine behov og dine ambitioner. Derfor vil det også være her, vi starter med dig, så vi kan opbygge de optimale betingelser for at give dig den bedste rådgivning og efterfølgende eksekvering. Vores ambition er at levere skræddersyede løsninger, hvor effekten kan måles, så din virksomhed får succes med at generere leads og skabe mere salg på den lange bane. Med os som din samarbejdspartner får du adgang til vores specialister, der tilsammen ved ALT, hvad der er værd at vide om inbound marketing. Skal du bruge hjælp til for eksempel content marketing, SEO, PPC, websiteudvikling, e-mailmarketing eller mere tekniske setups, så er vi dit oplagte valg. Besøg os her:

We are a startup bringing narratives as a completely new data source for the private investor. You'll join a super dedicated small team of 4 members, who are former Special Operation Forces and now Data scientist, Full stack developer and MBA. We work with our startup making cutting edge technology by collecting data and making that into narratives represented through line charts that private investors can trade on. We are good guys that all know and trust each other and are looking forward to seeing you becoming a trusted and valued core member of our team for good.


Online music school, helping songwriters, artists, and producers reach their musical goals! Most upcoming artist has two problems 1) they're seeking comfort, trying to find the one perfect way to make music instead of learning new techniques and tricks all the time 2) They only finish a small portion of their songs and miss out on all the motivation they need to continue exploring their capabilities We in Ransby have proven techniques to help combat these two problems, with simple challenges and bomb-proof strategies that can turn an unmotivated songwriter into a happy inspired artist within a few minutes! So our mission is to create a new understanding of how to combat lack of motivation and inspiration

Billwerk+ Denmark

Billwerk+ is your partner for subscription management and payment solution. Subscription products can be managed, controlled, and automatically billed and paid with Billwerk+.  Our platform provides a complete solution for all subscription-related processes.  By providing a seamless payment solution experience for our clients and their customers, we can help unleash their full revenue potential – no matter the size of the company. is a groundbreaking software platform engineered to revolutionize how businesses manage their subscriptions. Our platform enables companies to index and centralize all their subscriptions and service agreements, providing a clear snapshot of costs while facilitating effortless sharing among employees. Situated in Copenhagen, Denmark, we embrace a flexible work culture, welcoming both on-site and remote team members. We're seeking individuals who are eager to be part of this exciting journey.


Vores mål er at give en unik ressource til disc golf-entusiaster i alle aldre og færdighedsniveauer. Uanset om du er en nybegynder eller en rutineret spiller, så er der noget for dig her på DiscGolferen. Vi er på en mission for at levere de bedste produkter på markedet - fra de nyeste diske til de mest stilfulde tasker og kurve - så du kan få det bedste udstyr til din næste runde.

Plugin Heat Club


At Phlit, we're on a mission to help accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are adopted at a fast pace, but these sources can be unpredictable. That's where our IoT solution makes a difference. By using existing energy assets such as wastewater pumps, heaters, fans, and compressors, our algorithm can transform these devices into virtual batteries, balancing supply and demand in real-time. This not only provides a sustainable alternative to conventional batteries, but it also helps our customers save money and reduce their carbon footprint. We are an experienced team with many years worth of academic and industry experience, and we are passionate about driving innovation. We've worked on a variety of successful projects, including collaborations with leading companies. At Phlit, we believe that the future of energy is bright, and we're excited to be at the forefront of this transformation. Join us on our journey to create a cleaner, more sustainable future!

Session ApS

Session offers online business coaching all over the world as well as strengths-based leadership- and organizational development with a global team of coaches and consultants. With new technology, changing demographics, and shifting market conditions, it's essential to stay ahead of the curve and find innovative solutions for leadership and organization. Our services include consulting support for leadership- and organizational development as well as ongoing online business coaching for managers and employees. Our vision is a world with great leadership and sustainable organizations. It is only with great leadership that we can develop our organizations to their full potential and become sustainable for both people and the environment. The mission of Session is to democratize the access to high-quality business coaching and remove financial and location-based barriers to professional development. No matter where your employees are or the barriers they face, they can access transformative, high-quality business coaching through Session. We support leadership- and organizational development and facilitate tailored business coaching experiences that meet individual career and business needs by making the coaching journey for employees smooth and easy.


Om ChristinaMie &C - CIRCULAR STUDIO COPENHAGEN er et grønt iværksætteri, hvor vi skaber interiør efter cirkulære processer for at gøre det let og enkelt for forbrugere at købe miljøvenligt, cirkulært og personligt designede interiør til det personlige hjem. I dag handles der interiør hvor stilen er defineret af kædebrands, hos ChristinaMie &C giver vi muligheden for at bestille netop den form i deres favorit farver som de ønsker, dertil har vi pant på vores produkter, så når deres stil skifter kan de pante varen og vi genanvender - på den måde skaber vi en mulighed for en mere cirkulær forbrugskultur end den miljøbelastende køb-og-smid-væk kultur. What Vi skaber en platform og et univers hvor vi samler de bedste elementer fra ecommerce og design verdenen. Vi ved at vores iværksætteri ikke flytter det store på klimaregnskabet, men vi kæmper for at skabe bevidsthed om ansvar fra egen virksomhed og forbrugernes mindset omkring hvad de bør kræve af deres lokale butiksnet for at skabe cirkulær forbrugskultur. How Gennem vores platform har vi bestiller (made to order) på personligt design, mulighed for at købe kollektioner, købe DIY kits til at være kreativ hjemme og workshop/kurser til at være kreativ med teamet i ChristinaMie &C Nu er vi på en rejse hvor vores ecommerce skal optimeres løbende gennem WooCommerce - hertil en bedre opsætning af SEO og en bedre UX på købsrejsen og især design-selv funktionen. Sociale mediers strategi skal implementeres og udbygges på TikTok. Der er et enormt potentiale i at være mere online og mere interaktivt. Instagram engagement rate ligger omkring 10% Why Vi vil gerne skabe fokus på cirkulation og vi gør det gennem smukt håndlavede interiør hvor alle kan være med. Vi søger ildsjæle som vil være med på rejsen som praktikanter, virksomhedspraktik, flexjobbere og med mulighed for fastansættelse i takt med iværksætteriet vokser

SensiMate ApS

SensiMate vil forløse ineffektive produktions frontiers, ved at tillade forbrugerne at definere verdens produktionskriterier. Vi bestræber på at opnå dette ved at facilitere en meningsfuld dialog mellem producenter og forbrugere. Derfor har vi specialiseret os i situationelle forbrugeranalyser lær mere på

Grønt Marked

Grønt Marked is a non-profit organisation established in Copenhagen in 2019. Our goal is to provide a platform for small-scale local food producers to meet consumers who care about the food they bring home. We organise farmers markets around the city from May to December, farm tours, community dinners and lately even festivals.

MyLoca Foods

MyLoca Foods er en dansk fødevarer startup, som er specialiseret i at producere og udvikle høj kvalitets glutenfrie mix-produkter til diætister med forskellige behov. Virksomheden blev stiftet i 2020 og har siden dag ét ville gøre det nemmere for diætister at være på diæt. Vores produkter indeholder alle de rigtige råvarer og er nemme at bruge, som gør det nemt at få enhver på diæt. Vores produkter sælges både gennem store dagligvarer butikker og online, primært i Københavnsområdet. I takt med at vi udvider vores produktkatalog og skalerer vores produktion, har vi ambitioner om at udvide til hele Danmark, hvilket vi allerede er godt i gang med - senest med lanceringen af vores produkter i MENY Riskov.

Garden is a development automation platform for Kubernetes and cloud native applications. The widespread adoption of cloud native technologies such as containers and Kubernetes has made it easier than ever to operate and scale applications. But important developer workflows have been overlooked or neglected along the way. Many developers find that they’re now less productive than they were before the cloud native era. Developers working on distributed microservices applications have been left without an efficient way to build, run tests, and iterate in a production-like environment. Garden makes it easy to spin up production-like environments for development, testing, and CI, and to use the same workflows for every stage of the process. With Garden, developers get fast feedback exactly when they need it, and DevOps teams are no longer bogged down with provisioning and managing ad hoc environments.