
We book entertainment to events all around Denmark. We aspire to be the leading entertainment provider for all kinds of events. We cover a wide range of areas, and we some of the countries best magicians, stand-up comedians, musicians and bands. Our mission is to always bring an unforgettable experience to your next party!
Location Denmark
Founded 2017
Employees 1-10
Industries Media & Entertainment
Business model -
Funding state -

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you.

Near public transit
Near public transit

Easy access and treehugger friendly workplace.

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Social gatherings and games; hang out with your colleagues.

Skill development
Skill development

We want to take you from good to great.