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BeSammen - Et fællesskab centreret omkring sygdom

Mit navn er Kristina, jeg er 27 år gammel og arbejder til dagligt som sygeplejerske på medicinsk kræftambulatorie. Jeg har ved siden af mit arbejde BeSammen, en start-up, som har fokus på at mennesker med samme diagnose kan mødes online i mindre lukkede grupper. I din tilknyttede BeSammen gruppe er der mulighed for at dele tanker, følelser og erfaringer med præcist ligesindende.

Cobo Consult

COBO Consult er en dansk virksomhed som blev stiftet i 2021 med hovedsæde på Frederiksberg. Vores tværfaglige team består af både kolleger i Danmark og Indien. COBO Consult rådgiver nordiske virksomheder på tværs af Norden og Indien. Kort sagt, vi hjælper virksomheder med alle tænkelige skridt i internationaliseringsprocessen.


Made4Media Productions udvikler radio, tv og podcastproduktioner til landets medier. Derudover har vi i vores podcastbureau mulighed for, at udvikle podcast til foreninger, virksomheder og organisationer. Made4Media Research udarbejder spørgeskemaer, undersøgelser og fokusgrupper til medier, foreninger, virksomheder og organisationer med henblik på målgruppeanalyse, markedsundersøgelse eller research.


Intentional is a Copenhagen-based business consultancy with services in ESG, scaling & internationalizing startups - always with a DEI mindset. At Intentional, we believe that we need a diverse group of people to solve the diverse problems the world is facing and draw on all talent available. We are proud to drive a positive change in this direction through our two programs: The Diversity Commitment: Diversity is good business. However, today we are not nearly exploiting that potential. That is what the Diversity Commitment is about. To commit with others to increase the diversity in the companies of tomorrow. In our yearly report, we publish unique data, not elsewhere available. This data is gathered through our partners and their portfolio companies. LEAP FORWARD: LEAP FORWARD is a customized accelerator program for Danish startups and scaleups with international potential. Over the course of 5 months, founders get the opportunity to develop the business and leadership skills needed to internationalize.


Kóot is a sports, community-driven start-up with one mission: Empowering people to unleash their full potential. We strongly believe we can support people on their journey to become their best themselves by providing high-end products and services. Everything started one day when we were discussing how sportswear often is either fashionable or comfortable, and we decided to merge these two aspects into one. Sportswear is also a fashion industry, so why not go elegant? We believe that self-confidence and comfort are key in people's motivation and thus performance. People deserve products designed to perform, and because we believe in people, we believe you deserve Kóot.


Embankment wish to change the level of services available to fund managers running alternative funds today. Our own experience in the market, is that administrative tasks is an ever-compounding burden on fund managers, that adds little to no value. The services that need to be undertaken, either inhouse or outsourced, are primarily a hygiene factor. However, not having scalable solutions to the tasks can both diminish investor satisfaction, and be an inhibiter for growth going forward. We want to ensure that fund managers have the maximum flexibility to focus on the core deliverables and value-creating actions in the fund, while having ease of mind that the administrative side is taken care of and delivered at an efficient cost. We will deliver these services through a central technology platform, within which we will integrate best of breeds solutions, to ensure that you get the service output required in the smoothest and most efficient way possible.


Unlocking SMB Marketing Potential with Data-Driven Insights & AI-Powered Solutions. Elegant, overskueligt og letforståeligt. OP'N er skabt til at gøre det nemmere at drive din forretning online. Tænk på OP'N som et dashboard, hvor Google, Facebook, Instagram Trustpilot, e-conomic og mange flere har samlet deres vigtigste funktioner på ét sted. Med OP'N får du fuld indsigt i din virksomheds digitale fodaftryk og markedsføringseffektivitet. OP'N er værktøjet, der viser dig antallet af besøg på din hjemmeside, antal henvendelser, dine placeringer på Google, samt effekten af din markedsføring. Du kan nemt sammenligne din virksomhed med andre i din branche og få det fulde billede af din online tilstedeværelse. Vi har gjort OP'N 100% gratis, så længe du har lyst. Det er let at komme i gang, og du får alle de værktøjer, du har brug for til at tage det næste skridt online. Prøv OP'N i dag og oplev, hvordan du nemt kan følge udviklingen i dine henvendelser, overvåge dit omdømme online, og se effekten af din SEO, Google Ads og Facebook-annoncer. Alt sammen samlet på ét sted - i OP'N


Polarlys er en mindre virksomhed som leverer serviceydelser i Danmark. Vi har været på det danske arbejdsmarked i 10 år. Mange af vores kunder har været med os i al den tid. Det næste projekt vi planlægger at starte på er, at åbne adgang til undervisning og undervise virksomheder/private i at yde service. Polarlys har mange års erfaring med erhvervs- og klinik rengøring, derfor udvider vi nye veje ind for det område.

MOOD Visuals

We are a creative visual development studio. We bridge the gap between design and storytelling and combine artist passion and cutting edge processes to produce some of the best concept art & design in the industry. Built by veteran concept artists, MOOD works with the best game developers - helping to create innovative designs, breathtaking worlds and provide concept art for the biggest ip’s in global entertainment.


We have more than 20 years of experience in reducing complexity in wholesale and manufacturing businesses. Our mission is to contribute to the profitability of companies that want to create healthy and profitable growth. Inact helps companies by analyzing their complexity across the value chain. Our solution creates overview and insight that drives the actions needed to manage complexity before it slows down performance, erodes profits and limits the company’s ability to invest in growth. Our name is derived from our core business – a contraction of Insights and Actions. We help our customers gain new insight into their business and enable them to take action. Inact is defined as ‘to bring into action or state of activity’ – in other words, we drive performance. 
 With Inact, business, technology, and people go hand in hand – it’s the interplay that ensures your success. Our business is built around our cloud technology Inact Now and our Inact consultants, who together ensure a solid partnership with customers on their road to success.

Let's Roll

Let’s Roll connects the global roller skating community in a social network built for roller skating. Our goal is to gather all the roller skaters, all the skate spots, and all the knowledge of the community in one place. The Let's Roll app tries to take on some of the key problems facing skaters all over the world: Where do I skate, who do I skate with, and how do I progress in my skills? We try to combine these elements, into an exercise tracker, focused on roller sports and specifically roller skating. We want to collect and share the collective knowledge of the global skate community using modern GPS tracking, to locate all the best skate locations for different styles around the world, and we want to make it easy for skaters to connect with others in their area. Finally, we want to create a resource for learning new moves and tricks and make it easy to track progress and unlock new abilities as a skater. We are friends, roller skaters, and tech nerds from Ukraine and Denmark who have banded together to create the Let’s Roll App. We love the skating community and how roller skating brings joy to people, and we believe the best ideas are created when you listen to the people you want to service. For that reason, the Let’s Roll app has been built with direct involvement from a growing community of skaters from day one.


Avernus er en innovativ, digital bogføringsvirksomhed i rivende vækst, som hjælper kunderne med at styre deres virksomheder igennem hverdagen med bogføring, rådgivning og sparring - og vi går gerne den ekstra mil for at lykkedes med det. Hos Avernus tager vi det kedelige papirnusseri til nye højder. Vi favner digitaliseringen for både at skabe en bedre og mere dynamisk hverdag for os selv som regnskabskonsulenter og for at fremtidssikre kundernes virksomheder. Vi er et lille, kompetent team med højt humør (men dårlig humor), der gerne deler ud af erfaringer (kæmpe nørder) og gør hinanden bedre.

VetPlus og Lifetest

Vi leder efter en marketingsstuderende som kan være med til at hjælpe os med 1-2 gange i ugen med marketingsrelaterede opgaver til vores to virksomheder. Opgaver vi ønsker hjælp til: •Design af produktkatalog •Nyhedsbreve •Kampagner •flyers og plakater Om VetPlus På verdensplan er VetPlus den førende producent af veterinært tilskudsfoder. Hele VetPlus produkt portofolio udvikles og produceres i UK. VetPlus forhandles udelukkende af dyrlæger, og derfor vil dine kunder udelukkende bestå af dyreklinikker. Om Lifetest Nordisk leverandør af inhouse-lab udstyr til veterinærbranchen samt en masse andre produkter til det veterinære marked.

Femme Lead

Femme Lead is a community-led organization based in Copenhagen, Denmark. We focus on content creation and event management with the mission of empowering women to map their way to a fulfilling career. Our mission is to spotlight women role models by sharing tangible advice and by creating an inclusive community with a focus on career development. We aim to provide a safe space for women to discuss topics related to their personal and professional development. We are a trusted partner for organizations and we work towards SDG #5 Gender Equality & SDG #8 Decent Work & Economic Growth. For more details check:

Dansk Udlandsrekruttering

We help Danish job seekers finding jobs abroad. As a jobseeker, you get help with both finding a job, making a good CV and moving abroad. You can get a job in the Customer Service industry, as well as other industries outside of Denmark. We are looking to make the process of finding a job easier, as well as making a seamless process for young people who want to move abroad.