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Showing: 4442 filtered startups

Codesealer A/S

The digitalization of business services is growing fast. However, cyber threats have grown even faster. But hackers can see every move you make and will exploit vulnerabilities to steal and manipulate data, causing devastating loss of revenue, reputation, and customer trust. Web applications and end-users need a secure browser to defend against attacks, but browsers today are not built for security, nor do they protect against malicious activities. Codesealer solves this by creating a unique secured environment in the end-user browser, that’s only valid for the active session, ensuring application and data are dynamically encrypted and secured. Our turn-key solution is easy to deploy, requires no changes to our customers applications and end-users won't even notice we're there. We understand business is critical and so is the application used by end-users. Codesealer provides powerful online security.


Vi hjælper klinikker og patienter med vores komplette og lettilgængelige sundhedsplatform. Star.Cares mission Vi skaber den bedste sundhedsplatform med komplette, tilgængelige og søgbare klinikprofiler. Star.Cares vision Vi accelererer udviklingen henimod et mere effektivt sundhedsvæsen, der skaber værdi for patienter, klinikker og samfundet.

Social Bites

Social Bites manufactures and sells frozen dairy products in Kenya, East Africa. It is a company of 35 full-time employees and 200+ sellers working from the three largest cities in Kenya - Mombasa, Kisumu and Nairobi. The production headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya, where the production of frozen flavored milk and frozen yogurt products takes place. The company operates a distribution model where it engages youth to become sellers of its products in the market. The sellers are offered an attractive commission-based salary with performance incentives as they retail the products in the major cities in East Africa. All new sellers go through our training academy that provides vital business training, setting them up for success with the product. Our ambition is to develop thousands of meaningful jobs in East Africa with this unique distribution concept. International investors back Social Bites and the company is run out of Copenhagen, Denmark.


Vi gør danskere til en bedre version af dem selv ved hjælp af online-baseret fysisk træning, evidensbaseret kost- og ernæringsforløb samt mental coaching. Team #levforhelvede er et high performance team med mangeårig erfaring fra danske specialstyrker og elitesport. Thomas Rathsack er indehaver af Team #levforhelvede.


We strive to drive healthy growth with digitization through a basis in our managed cloud platform. With digitized processes, we enhance operational efficiency while maintaining the security. This is the way we realize our customers' technological potential and enhance their business. We are operating in three different countries and deliver IT-services to some of the top Danish organisations out there. Apart from being specialized in IT infrastructure and operations, we also help companies develop an IT strategy that supports their business visions. Further, our technical project managers will in collaboration with our IT architects make the strategy actionable and assist in its execution.

Symbion A/S

Symbion er Danmarks største iværksættermiljø. Vi huser mere end 600 ambitiøse små og mellemstore iværksættervirksomheder fordelt på vores 6 lokationer i København. Gennem vores mangeårige arbejde med iværksættere ved vi, at netværk, viden og et professionelt community gør en forskel. Vi har 6 lokationer i København fordelt på Østerbro, Nørrebro, Frederiksberg og Islands Brygge.


Natoora is committed to revolutionising the supply of fruit & vegetables and actively shaping the future of food for the better. We are connecting capital cities with flavours that would otherwise be lost forever. Delivering truly seasonal produce to restaurants in London, New York, Paris and Copenhagen, we count amongst our customers some of the world’s most influential chefs.

Diction ApS

Diction, the translation agency, is your language partner regardless of whether you are in need of a translator, proofreader, copywriter, or interpreter. Our translation agency is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. From our office, we have assisted our clients with translations since 2010 throughout the Nordic countries. In particular, we have specialized in translations to and from the Scandinavian languages which means that you can safely leave your translations to us and expect to get back correct and fluent translations. In order to ensure that you get the highest quality of translations, we have collected the best translators in the business. We rely exclusively on mother tongue translators, and all texts are quality controlled by proofreadings which are performed by a second professional. Diction delivers quality language solutions to both companies and private individuals.

Inspectly ApS

Inspectly ApS er en softwarevirksomhed, som udvikler og sælger en softwareplatform henvendt til bygge- og anlægsbranchen. Vores mission er at understøtte vores kunder i deres arbejde med kvalitet. Vi ønsker at være vores kunders virtuelle kvalitetschef og derigennem sikre værdifuld viden på baggrund af den dataindsamling der løbende sker på byggeprojekterne. Vi understøtter registrering af dokumentation, kommunikation, dokumenthåndtering mellem virksomhedens ansatte på både kontor og byggeplads.  Vi tilbyder dig  de allerbedste rammer, der gør, at du kan udvikle dig professionelt og personligt og med god work-life balance. Du vil få et solidt indblik i bygge- og anlægsbranchen og vil kunne sparre med vores mange dygtige kollegaer, også på tværs af huset.  Som arbejdsplads går vi meget op i at alle går glade på arbejde. Derfor er åbenhed, humor og sparring iblandt kolleger en vigtig del af hverdagen.  Vi har et fantastisk sammenhold og en social hverdag, med mange grin og med lysten til en fokuseret indsats. Vi tilbyder dig en sund hverdag for krop og sjæl, med frugtordning, frokostordning samt løbeklub. Herudover latter med kollegaerne over et spil bordtennis, bordfodbold, dart eller en omgang arkadespil.  Inspectly ApS er beliggende i Viby, til juni 2022 flytter vi til vores egen nye bygning i Lystrup nord for Aarhus og er pt. 27 glade medarbejdere. 

Identity Stack

Identity Stack is a digital identity mangement solution to help customers enhance the security by leveraging the capabilities of Azure AD and the Danish identity infrastructure based on MitID. The solution offers user friendly on-boarding and self service processes surrounding digital means of identification, including password reset, multi-factor configuration etc. The verification of an alleged employee identity is supported by MitID as a means of identification along with validation of the employees' social security number (CPR). The solution is fully compliant with the EU regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions, eIDAS, and the Danish standard NSIS. This means the organisation is eligible for national single sign-on MitID Erhverv, i.e. employees are automatically logged in to all public sector self service portals, including SKAT,, Tinglysning, and many more.

Silenti Jewelry

Our purpose is to empower and inspire women all over the world through the magical art of jewelry. We bring remarkable silver pieces to life, so that everyone can find one to truly love without breaking the bank. We see our beloved customers as the heart of our business. To stay healthy and live longer, we take great care of our heart!


Aiio er Danmarks førende konsulentbureau inden for assistance til oprettelse af erhvervskonti, virksomhed og generel rådgivning herom. Vi har dagligt mere end 50 henvendelser fra virksomheder, som søger ekspertrådgivning og hjælp til forskellige ydelser. Virksomheden er således i stor vækst, og derfor søger vi konstant med lys og lygte efter nye dygtigere medarbejdere, som vil være med på en spændende og udfordrende vækstrejse. Aiio har kontor i hjertet af Frederiksberg tæt på metro og offentlig transport, men værdsætter frihed og digitale arbejdsgange, og derfor er der rig mulighed for at arbejde remote så længe dette imødekommer de daglige opgaver.

More Music Technologies

We want to create a safe, transparent and sustainable market for learning music. More Music Technologies is an organisation developing a double-sided platform connecting music tutors and students for all ages with each other. We exist to strengthen the music teaching profession and make music teaching more accessible to the general population.

Off The Pitch

Off The Pitch is a football intelligence service providing financial and operational data to the European football industry. Our clients are some of the biggest clubs in Europe, financial institutions, leagues, governing bodies, advisers, etc. We have developed a state-of-the-art business intelligence tool with financial data of +230 European football clubs, +100.000 transfers, +8.500 player valuations and much more. Data is the core of our business.

Comforth Scandinavia

Comforth Scandinavia sells innovative beauty and skincare device. Currently our top-sellers are our at-home MicroDermabrasion machines and our permanent hair removers. We currently expanding our product range, our team and even our geopgraphy as we're expanding to Sweden this sommer. Currently we're doing +100.000 USD in sales per month, but we're looking to 10X that by expanding to the entire European continent.