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Showing: 4451 filtered startups

Silent Events

Innovative event solutions. Silent Events are using wireless headphones to solve challenges like: Surrounding noise: Isolate your experience so you wont bother your neighbors or other people in same area. Multiple stage setups in same area: Up to 30 stages, breakout rooms or sound feeds, at the same time. Keeping focus on presentations: No matter if you have a fitness instructor, teacher, speaker or DJ you will have full focus from the participant. Not limited by venue: The wireless system is 100% portable and can be used anywhere. If you feel that the forest will be the best place for you conference, make it so. Different genres of music in the same room at the same time: Dance together, but listen to different live DJs or bands at the same time. Participant distancing: Sometimes it is necessary to keep distance from other participants. The system makes it possible to stand with 200mtr between each participant if you want. Conference Solutions in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland with up to 50.000 headphones in stock.

Paragit Solutions

Paragit Solutions is an early-stage medical device startup working to develop and market a novel solution to support early diagnosis and personalized treatment of neurological disorders – starting with Parkinson’s. Based in Copenhagen, the company has won several innovation challenges in Scandinavia and Silicon Valley and the development has largely been funded by EIT Health, Innovation Fund Denmark, and other innovation environments. We are working with leading clinical partners to test and validate the solution, and recently closed our seed round of 12 million DKK from prominent investors. We are a small team of 5 full-time employees and 7 part-time/freelancers working with high flexibility from our office in Frederiksberg. We are developing a solution consisting of both hardware and software. The patented Paragit Sleeve collects high-resolution data on muscle activity, movement, and grip force from patients during daily life. The data is transferred to the software suite, where it is modeled and correlated to clinical measurements of disease severity. This provides clinicians with a holistic overview of patients’ symptoms and treatment responses during daily life, which, in turn, fosters optimized treatment and better care.

The Happiness Research Institute

The Happiness Research Institute is a an independent think tank exploring why some societies are happier than others. The mission is to inform decision-makers of the causes and effects of human happiness, make subjective well-being part of the public policy debate, and improve overall quality of life for citizens across the world.

ClearView Trade

At ClearView Trade, we want to digitalise Danish exports. We want to minimise the time and resources that Danish companies spend on booking transportation as well as completing and obtaining all the relevant documents and certificates regarding export. In cooperation with the Danish Chamber of Commerce, the Confederation of Danish Industry, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council, SME Denmark and the Danish Tax Authority, we already offer fully digitalised customs declaration forms as well as the issuance of Certificates of Origin.

Tipsy Mule

Having a party and forgot to take care of the cocktails? Don´t know any recipes? Too busy to go to 3 supermarkets looking for all necessary ingredients? No problem! Just choose your favourite cocktail and get a box with a whole bottle, all the ingredients, and the recipe you need to make your evening memorable. Offer your guests high quality cocktails with zero effort. Your evening will be a blast! All items are delivered within the hour in Copenhagen


We make comedy games! We strive to create a great and diverse work environment where everyone gets to make fun things. We’re working from our nice office in downtown Copenhagen, Denmark. You should totally come work with us! Triband was founded in 2015 by Tim Garbos, Rune K. Drewsen & Peter Bruun. In 2019 we released WHAT THE GOLF? and since then, things have been really bonkers in a good way. Up until early 2020, we were just a few people in a basement. Now, we’re 20 people in nice offices, working on new and exciting projects… In the next couple of years, we’ll be working on the ✨Next Big Things™✨ in comedy games. And we’d love it if you’d want to join us.


The 'Makerpeer' app is a tool for entrepreneurs to help them create, collaborate and even monetize their professional knowledge in a unified spot for them to connect. The app will enable entrepreneurs to connect with one another or businesses in a more direct manner to start the collaboration process. This will help entrepreneurs to share their knowledge and experience, while also providing those looking to increase their knowledge with a dedicated spot to connect with professionals.


I et samarbejde mellem Lolle & Nielsen Inventions og Mylocker er udviklet et unikt IoT baseret låsesystem som nu danner rammerne for Ambitlocker som en selvstændig virksomhed. Løsningen tilbyder kunderne et nemt og fleksibelt låsestem som administreres over nettet. Der er blevet brugt et par år på at færdigudvikle produktet, og nu er der rejst en betydelig kapital, som skal bruges til at opbygge en organisation og sikre den brede lancering. Ejerkredsen består af de 4 stiftere og 2 professionelle investorer, som ejer selskabet ligeligt. >> Ambitlocker - Asset Protection as a Service

Acrogym by Danish Balance

En veludført håndstand er symbol på en sund krop i balance. Håndstand er en central del i den acrobatiske gymnastik og bliver i dag dyrket på fladt underlag. Det giver en usund vinkel mellem hånd og arm samt en ineffektiv træning og balance. Acrogym gør det nemmere, flottere og sundere at stå på hænder! Acrogym udbyder håndstandsredskaber specialdesignet til at skåne & styrke håndled på samme tid. Produkterne giver værdi til Akrobater, gymnaster, yogier og crossfittere m.fl. Brugerne får en mere succesfuld træning på et tidligere stadie og færre skader. Det betyder at de i højere grad bliver fastholdt og videreudviklet indenfor deres sport.


qeepup er et supporthus, hvor vi støtter start-ups og scale-ups. Vi bidrager til at flytte ideer og virksomheder til næste niveau, hvad enten man lige er begyndt eller er godt i gang. Vi tilbyder: KNOWLEDGE – Junior- og seniorfolk, du kan bruge til konceptudvikling, crowdfunding, go to market-arbejde, salgsprocesser og meget mere. HANDS – Et helt netværk af eksperter og partnere, der kan løse det meste inden for branding og marketing, hjemmesider, økonomi og markedsanalyser. TEAM – Udvid dit team med dygtige folk til dit projekt. Eller pitch din idé til os, hvis den er så spændende, at vi selv skal med på vognen og investere i den. qeepup ejer også selv en række projekter, som vi udvikler og vækster.


The goal of GODENUMRE.DK is to be the leading Scandinavian marketplace for buying/selling easy to remember phone numbers. The target audience is new cooperations such as tech startups, smaller local businesses, etc. At this point, GODENUMRE.DK is just a danish webshop selling phone numbers. However, we have the ambition of becoming a c2c marketplace for phone numbers.

Ginbutikken er en online webshop, der drives af Kenneth M. Nielsen & Mikkel B. Dam. Vi er begge ginentusiaster fra før det blev moderne. Vi har en vision om at være Danmarks mest passionerede gin-site, hvor kunderne ved, at de kan finde ekspertise ved bare få klik. Der er sket meget på ginmarkedet siden de dage i slut 90’erne, hvor der kun fandtes gins som Tanqueray, Bombay Sapphire og Gordons tilsat Schweppes tonic. Der er kommet tusindvis af ny gin på markedet. Nogle er bedre end andre, og nogle er bare helt fantastiske. Det er disse mange forskellige kvalitets gins, du vil kunne finde hos Ginbutikken. Vi ved, at kunderne efterspørger kvalitet og høj service til en fornuftig pris.

Gonzo Agency

Vi er et reklamebureau og YouTube-kollektiv. Siden 2014 har vi arbejdet med udvikling af content og co-creations med YouTuberne. Tilsammen har Gonzo digital IP med millioner af visninger, hvilket betyder at vi ved hvor de unge er og hvad de kan lide – og hvilket giver os muligheden for at udvikle content der både er relevant og efterspurgt af målgruppen, samt stille det til rådighed på de platforme hvor de er. Vi skaber også datadrevne mediekampagner og reklamekoncepter for unge mellem 10 – 30 år. Gonzo består af client managers, kreative, tekstforfattere, dataanalytiker, videoproducere, klippere og YouTubere. Vi er det første danskejet Google Multi-Channel Network, der inkluderer de største Danske YouTubere. Tilsammen har vores netværk 50+ millioner visninger om måneden, fra ca. 1 million unikke seere. Vores nuværende og tidligere kunder tæller bl.a. Socialdemokratiet, Coca-Cola, MobilePay, Flying Tiger, AIDS-fonden, Jane Kønig, NA-KD, Zalando, Electronic Arts, EA Games m.fl.


ScandiPost is a Copenhagen based last mile startup with strong focus on sustainable solutions. Our mission is to make same-day deliveries eco-friendly. How do we do that? It's simple - We don't do home deliveries and we deliver by electric cargo bikes and cars. We deliver only to pick up points. One-package-per-stop deliveries have a huge impact on the environment. Lets change that.


Boligsurf blev stiftet i 2012 og er i dag en af Danmarks største portaler for udlejning af boliger. Vi driver i Danmark samt i Sverige. I 2019 blev vi af Dagbladet Børsen kåret som Danmarks 14. hurtigst voksende Gazelle virksomhed med en vækst på mere end 1.200 pct